Heroes San Diego is a nationwide resource to help our Heroes buy and sell homes utilizing their benefits! Heroes SD was created on a foundation of supporting and helping our heroes, to give back to them and say thank you. We provide webinars, seminars, and round the clock help so that our heroes can purchase a home quickly and easily. We highly recommend signing up for our VA Homebuyers Webinar, that is hosted every Wednesday at 6pm. During the webinar, we go through a list of what you need to do in order to purchase a home, your benefits, and how to obtain a loan. We will answer any questions you may have, and get you on the right track to home ownership. Keep reading to learn about how a military couple purchases units with zero down using VA loan.
Military Couple purchase units with Zero down using their VA loan
This wonderful Military couple attended the Heroes VA Webinars and quickly got qualified to purchase multiple units using their VA loan. The VA loan was Zero percent down and they qualified using their BAH and rental income from the three units. All they paid were closing costs. They will live in one unit and rent out the other three units. They will also be able to get a nice tax write off as a landlord and as a homeowner. Not only this, but they also saved thousands of dollars using the Heroes Rebate which helped to pay their closing costs and buy down the rate. Their plan is to live in one unit and rent the other three.
After it is all said and done, the collected rents will pay over 90% of their mortgage leaving them with a monthly balance of well below $600 a month out of their pocket to cover their portion.
Their goal is to purchase more units using his VA loan next year. And keep purchasing in every city they move to, building generational wealth through real estate and a nice monthly passive rental income.

VA Homebuyers Webinar
If you are Active Military and / or a Veteran, then you must attend the free webinar every Wednesday at 6pm. Learn how to utilize your VA benefits to purchase a home with zero percent down and qualify using your BAH. Take advantage of these low interest rates and learn how buying a home is cheaper than renting a home!
Visit us at www.heroessandiego.com to get started today.

Our Rebate Program
We have an outstanding rebate program. Owner and Founder of Heroes San Diego, Johnny Perez, gives back a portion of his commission that he earns selling the home, to YOU! You will be given a check as soon as you receive the keys to your new home!
This couple’s hero rebate was $4,780.00!! That is a lot of money to receive. It will give you a little jumpstart for paying bills, debts, taxes, etc!
Heroes San Diego is Nationwide!
We have been expanding, and now our services are not only located in San Diego, but we are Nationwide! You can take this program to any city or state! Visit us at www.heroessandiego.com to get started today. Ask us any questions, and sign up for our webinar. Our team will take you through, step by step, and help you reach your goals! We hope you enjoyed reading about how a Military couple purchases units with zero down using VA loan. See you in the webinar!